Well it isn't easy!
So in 8 years, before which I was a "corporate whore" to quote a good friend of mine, I have managed to build and sustain a cottage industry, produce 3 children (the smallest of whom has just started prechool) and get to a stage where I am ready to upsize from cottage industry to proper all bells and whistles greetings card publisher. It has been uphill at times and I have required a fair number of Bloody Mary's to smooth out the road! Dealing with frustration is a big part of trying to build your business while burping and changing nappies.

This is great in theory but the reality of juggling harvest festivals, ear infections, day to day bespoke work and global domination of the greetings card industry is a little more daunting.
I think most women who spend time focusing on being mummy for a few years lose confidence in their own ability. I certainly have. I find it hard to big myself up so I'll focus of bigging the work up, and concentrate on what I know works. Why is it scary? I don't know.... SNAP OUT OF IT WOMAN.
I'm starting local. I'm in shops in Eton, Ireland, Dorking, Brockham and Ockley and do bespoke work with a boutique in Ampthill as well as all my hundreds of pivate clients for whom I make cards, notelets, invitations and other unique illustrated peices. Now I am focusing of Surrey and Sussex, small chains, Garden Centres, Boutiques, Florists, farm shops and Gift Shops. If you have any suggestions about peaople who might be interested let me know!

Its exciting; nerve wracking but exciting. It may not be Dragons Den edge of your seat stuff but it is close enough for me right now. Stuff global ecconomic meltdown, everyone needs a gently abusive, giggle making birthday card!